Monday, 28. October 2002
Letter to a Parent

October 27, 2002

Dear Mommy,

I know that you are worried about me. You do not know if I am ever going to talk. Don’t worry though. I will eventually talk. You just have to give me time. I heard Ms. Abbye tell you that she is not sure if I am a late-talker or if I have a language delay. I heard her say that you should continue to take me to see her until she is sure which one it is. I think that you should listen to her. She seems to know what she is talking about. I heard her say that if I am a late-talker, then I will catch up without having to go to her for help, but if I have a language delay then I need see her in order to catch up with my friends (Bernstein, Tigerman-Farber, 2002). Just to be on the safe side, I think you need to keep taking me to see her.

I am sorry to cause you this stress. I know that you get angry with me when I do not know what you want me to do. I just cannot understand things sometimes. I think I heard Ms. Abbye say that I have problems with receptive skills.

I know that it is frustrating for you also when I do not respond to things. I sometimes cannot hear or understand the things you are saying. I think that I have hearing problems, which makes it hard for me to talk (Canizares).

Mommy, we will fight this. I will talk. I will be able to understand things. Let’s just work together so that everything will be alright. You need to keep pushing me because I like it when you show me attention. I know that I do not always respond, but I do like it. It makes me want to talk to you. I hope that this letter has helped.




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